Los Nr. 3042

FRANKREICH: 1849-2000, gestempelte, weit fortgeschrittene Sammlung in 6 italienischen Vordruckalben mit gutem klassischem Material in feiner Qualität, z.B. Mi.Nr. 1a, 2a, 7a, 8a Briefstück (Attest Raybaudi), 14 (Attest Calves), 17a (Attest Oliva), 5 Francs Napoleon III (Michel 32, Attest Raybaudi), Bordeaux-Ausgabe kpl., ebenso "Allegorie" überkomplett; ab 1920 ist die Sammlung nahezu komplett, mit Kriegswaisen Nr. 128-35, 144-151, 211-214, 218-219, 220-221, 229, 232-234, 239 (Diena), 252-254, 264-266, 305-311a, 321, Blocks 2 und 3; nach 1945 alle guten Sätze und ab 1954 Rotkreuz-Heftchen. Interessant auch der Porto- und Telegraphenmarken-Teil, darunter diverse Top-Werte. Generell sehr feine Qualität, riesiger Kat.Wert! Bitte ansehen.
FRANCE: 1849-2000, used beautiful advanced collection housed in 6 Italian pre-printed albums with a strong section of classic material in very fine quality with some highlights noted as Mi.Nr.1a, 2a, 7a, 8a on piece (cert Raybaudi), 14 (cert Calves), 17a (cert Oliva), 5 Francs Napoleon III (Michel 32 cert Raybaudi), all "Bordeaux issues", as well "Allegorie" over complete; from 1900 this phantastic collection is nearly complete with 128-35 "Orphelins", 144-151, 211-214, 218-219, 220-221, 229, 232-234, 239 (Diena), 252-254, 264-266, 305-311a, 321, Blocks 2 and 3; after 1945 all "Illustrious" sets, and from 1954 noted also "Red Cross booklets". Very interesting is the Postage due and telegraphic issues section with many top values included. Quality globally very fine, enormous catalogue value, a view is mandatory!



2.700 EUR

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